Heena Chhabria - SAP Trainer & Consultant, Expert in Data Science, Data Visualisation, Freelancer and Content Developer

hi! i'm heena chhabria

I found my passion for teaching approximately 11 years ago.  I expertise in corporate training and believe in obtaining results by utilizing variety of techniques to get employees trained efficiently and effectively. Apart from these, I develop new instructional methods that increase practical industrial knowledge. Furthermore, I partner with corporate leadership to create reformed training systems. I also cater to the needs of national and international clients.

My aim is to guide students and improvise the educational corporation by bridging the gap between the education system and industry. Moreover, I aim to provide students with a platform that is diverse and excel in the fields of  educating, learning and research. I also aspire to promote leadership, inspiration for learning and educational development in the student community.

work i do

I have expertise in corporate training apart from which, I am also an active member of Helpdesk. Helpdesk is an NGO that works towards bridging the gap between industry requirement and student training. Furthermore, I am also an active online mentor for students across the globe.

Corporate Training

I have had the opportunity to train corporate companies in and out of India such as Birla  Soft Noida, Harman Gurgoan/Pune, Itisalat Dubai, Borouge Abu Dhabi etc.

conferences and workshops

I have also successfully conducted conferences and workshops on topics such as programming languages, big data technologies and machine learning techniques. 

Few things I've written

Along with online guidance and training, I have also made sample blueprints, and written technical articles and guidance papers on various subjects.  

I also write blog posts on numerous topics that interest me.

Here are a few papers that you could have a look at.

I expertise in corporate training and am an active member of Helpdesk which tries to bridge the gap between educational system and the industry.

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